Friday, December 19, 2008

Nuclear Germany

Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?

I've always done what I could over the years, with what I've got, to help warn our beloved peoples about the German threat to world peace. Whether by ads or articles or letters to the Editor of newspapers and magazines, since every little bit helps with God's blessing upon it, I do my best to
warn the world.

While doing what I can to help warn the world, I've always encouraged the Sabbath-keeping Church of God to do more, to go public and step away from behind the podium (preaching to the choir), to get the Word out and let our God-given message become a household word, known and debated and discussed everywhere. Our God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion or we will have failed our God-given mission.

The Greater Toledo, Ohio area has received the lion's share of my efforts, since that's where I'm from, although I've also reached out to
Judea, Jerusalem, New York and elsewhere.

This ad (shown below) -
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America? - appeared several times in The Press newspaper, and a similar ad appeared twice in the AutoTrader (talk about taking it to the streets, reaching the general public!). I've also had a full-page ad in The Toledo City Paper warning about EUROPE'S NEW CRUSADE: "PEACE" FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.

I trust free publicity will offer greater opportunities, and God knows, by His grace, I'll walk through every open door to expand His Work. Your prayers are appreciated.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas?

Merry Christmas?

What's "merry" about what God condemns? Don't you believe the Bible that whitewashed pagan hollow days are abominations? Aren't you a Christian? National captivity won't seem too merry. Merry national captivity? Merry catastrophe? Think again and have the change of heart God calls upon our nation to experience or suffer the serious consequences!

Christmas condemned!

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism
Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?
Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!

A German-led Europe will strike nuclear terror against US! National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the way! The American, British and Jewish peoples are marked for death!

Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Holiday Craze

Living Church of God: Commentary
Commentary: The Holiday Craze

It's that time of the year when those repeated seasonal refrains about reindeer, mistletoe, holly and little drummer boys bombard us in stores, mall-ways, on radio and TV--along with being hummed, whistled or sung in our ears by just about everyone around us.
Click here to read more.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?

Is David Ben-Ariel A Terrorist?

Apparently, the PCG would mislead you to believe that!

Why would the PCG portray David Ben-Ariel as a terrorist? Especially after complaining about character assassination of Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God, of which he is the pastor general? Isn't that hypocrisy that stinks to High Heaven? Are they so hateful against all former members?

The Philadelphia Church of God, based in Edmond, Oklahoma, took out a full page ad in The Oklahoman. It was in livid response to FOX 25's Prime Time News at Nine Special Report on the PCG.

In The Oklahoman ad, Gerald Flurry charges that FOX 25 "built its case against us relying heavily on THAT MAN'S TESTIMONY, even featuring him prominently on their two part series," although the reports totalled nearly 10 minutes or so in duration and I was featured for roughly 40 seconds. Not even 15 minutes of fame there!

Within my very brief appearance (that thankfully flashed Beyond Babylon on the screen, my book, as well as my Philadelphia Church of God blog and photo), I made a total of four comments that were noted in my article: Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God -

Fox 25, Oklahoma City, Special Report:
Philadelphia Church of God: Part One

David Ben-Ariel: I was basically put out..

Reporter Nick Winkler: Former PCG member David Ben-Ariel says he was kicked out of the Church for writing a book [Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall] without the Church's approval and says all that money [15 million Art Center on their Edmond, Oklahoma site] could be better spent spreading God's Word differently...

David Ben-Ariel: Hopefully, they'll stop spending their money in Edmond, Oklahoma and use it to become a household word with our teachings and let that become known.

Philadelphia Church of God: Part Two

Nick Winkler: Before Jesus Christ returns...

David Ben-Ariel: Violence, WWIII...yes, there will be lots of violence.

Nick Winkler: Former PCG member David Ben-Ariel says he was kicked out of the Church but still defends its tithing practices...

David Ben-Ariel: Again, it's voluntary but it's understood if you're a Church of God member you will tithe and you'll want to.


Did you read anything in those four comments to justify Gerald Flurry's fury against me? He must of had a vein about to burst when he made steaming reference to me in his attack ad as "THAT MAN'S TESTIMONY" and "that man."

What was so terrible about my testimony? Doesn't the PCG believe any longer that the end of this world, as we know it, will occur with great violence? Is that why they've settled in their comfortable Edmond campus-kingdom and expensively adorn it with what will soon be spoils of war? It wasn't aired, but I had continued to share during the interview that it will get so bad that mankind will demand divine intervention to save us from ourselves, especially the targetted American, British and Jewish peoples.

"I was basically put out..." - did it disturb Flurry that this dubious practice should be made known? That I was disfellowshipped from the Philadelphia Church of God by Gerald Flurry's former wicked counsellor, Dennis Leap, for writing Beyond Babylon without being an ordained minister, and for publicly protesting his abuse of this lay member? I had written articles exposing him playing politics and shared them with brethren, which resulted in me being "marked" by the PCG. God knows my testimony is true, and it can be reviewed here:

Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)

So what is Gerald Flurry talking about? Did he see the same special report? What warranted his murderous hatred? His vile slander against me, leaving the strong and wrong impression that I am a terrorist? I even upheld their biblical practice of tithing but strongly disagreed with Flurry's misguided focus on Edmond rather than on Jerusalem and the world.

Herbert W. Armstrong always said we should focus on Jerusalem, and that involves far more than scratching the surface with archaeological digs that, at least, the PCG, is involved with in Israel. But it isn't enough, as I decry in: PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual".

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah

Flurry is floundering in Oklahoma, despite outward appearances. He has foundered his flock, excessively feeding themselves instead of others, feeling they're rich and fat and sassy and in need of nothing, but they're ready for slaughter - if they don't repent and do more!

The PCG does offer lots of literature, but it's nothing compared to what they could be doing with all that money squandered in Edmond. Besides, why does Flurry want to impress the world rather than warn them about a German-dominated Europe that will soon strike us with nuclear lightning?

The Watchmen are to sound the alarm and roar like a lion, not purr like a pussy cat! Once folks find out what the collective Body of Christ, the Sabbath-keeping Church of God really believes, all the various groups associated with the biblical teachings that Herbert W. Armstrong taught, not just the PCG, they'll hate us!

My unjust deportation from Israel, from the Jewish homeland that I love, was due to unwarranted hatred of the plain truth, by godless Israeli authorities who despise Torah-observant Jews and Christian Zionists who remind them of their Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities. They prefer to worship at the altar of humanism and act like Hellenists, wanting to become like the world rather than a light to all nations.

Flurry's ad referred to me as "a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity." Of course, he offers no proof of it, as they never did either - because there isn't a shred of evidence to even suggest such nonsense! What is clear is that some are terrorized by the truth! So, yes, in that sense, I am a terrorist!

Apparently, it terrorized the Germans and the Jesuits, and their treacherous Jewish puppets, when I had an article published in The Traveller - read throughout Israel - exposing the German-Vatican plot to occupy Jerusalem. It was shortly after its publication that I was visited where I lived and worked, the Palm Youth Hostel outside the Damascus Gate, and taken for six and a half hours of nighttime interrogation by six different men.

I was NEVER arrested, because I was never charged with any crime, because I was never guilty of any of the false accusations some wickedly indulge in spewing. I was detained and later unjustly deported. Those are the facts.

When I attempted to return the same year of my unjust deportation (1996) I was detained at the airport and refused entry. In 1997 I petitioned Senator Mike DeWine to inquire about a visa for me and he received an initial reply from Itzhak Oren, Minister for Congressional Affairs, March 7, 1997, that read, in part:

"It is our understanding that Mr. Ben-Ariel will not be granted a tourist visa at this time...The Ministry of the Interior...has made the decision not to grant the visa and does not offer any information behind their decision."

That was in regard to the requested visa, not to my former unjust deportation! Note the difference. Consequent correspondence informed Senator DeWine that I would not be "eligible for a tourist visa until 2005." They never said I couldn't return. In fact, in God's good time, I expect to return to Zion.

Regarding my unjust deportation, that political prostitute, former Consul General in Jerusalem, Edward Abington, Jr., wrote the Honorable Marcy Kaptur, my Congressional representative, June 28, 1996:

"On June 6, 1996 the Consulate General in Jerusalem received your letter of May 6, 1996 about the deportation of David Ben-Ariel.

On April 2, 1996, we responded to an earlier query of yours about Mr. Ben- Ariel. In that letter we noted that Mr. Ben-Ariel was held at the Jerusalem jail from January 4, 1996 until February 1, 1996, when he was deported by the Israeli government for overstaying his permission to stay in Israel...(emphasis mine).

Blow up the Mosques or an Expired Visa?

My strong response to his incompetence, to his pro-Nazi Muslim and anti-Jewish and anti-Christian stance, has been made very public, since my letter to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is available for all to see and read: Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated!

The United States State Department, Senators DeWine and Voinovich, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur and the Israeli authorities among many others, know I was never deported from Israel for anything other than "an expired visa." Which is just another lie, since it was not expired as I had that special piece of paper from the Ministry of the Interior, but they used that lame excuse to cover themselves since the plain truth was, as Gershon Salomon, honored to help liberate the Temple Mount during the miraculous Six Day War in 1967, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, stated: "This is a clear cut case of politico-religious discrimination."

It's an abomination that Gerald and Stephen Flurry would conspire as two false witnesses against me, useful idiots for the corrupt Israeli oligarchy, something we can expect from the unconverted world, from those who disagree with our religious beliefs, but it's a Judas-type betrayal for professing Christians to backstab a brother!

And when the pastor general of the PCG treats such vicious rumors as fact, which he hated when supposedly done to him, and speaks of them as "that man's troubling past" and "potentially dangerous influence," and refers to me as a "dangerous critic," he's proven how unsound his judgment is and how irrational he's become - especially when honest and objective folks can see all I correctly criticized was Dennis Leap playing politics about Beyond Babylon and Gerald Flurry wasting tithe money in his own backyard.

David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Will Flurry apologize?

Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel

Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the PCG, is guilty of what he charges others. The disgruntled leader of the Edmond, Oklahoma-based Philadelphia Church of God has launched an outrageous attack against me due to his indignation over FOX 25's Primetime News at Nine special report on the PCG that aired two nights in a row. Flurry's fury was poured out in a full-page ad in The Oklahoman today.

Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God

Gerald Flurry has every right to offer his review of the special report on the PCG (and some of his ire is merited), but one wonders why he refused to be interviewed and set the record straight then, and even tape it himself to avoid being taken out of context?

Gerald Flurry hypocritically rants and raves against yellow journalism, scandalous unsubstantiated allegations, "telling part of the truth can make the truth out to be a lie," and then turns right around and engages in all those "dangerously demented tactics" against the Branch Davidians and against David Ben-Ariel - little ol' me!

Gerald Flurry (and son Stephen Flurry) feigns surprise that I knew about the special report allegedly before they did, but he fails to make honest mention that I sent out that information to both the PCG and many other of the Church of God branches, as many can testify. Considering how his former right-hand man and terrible sycophant (who was a cruel counsellor to many of the battered brethren), Dennis Leap, apparently withheld information from him about my book, Beyond Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know what was going on. I tried.

Gerald Flurry should be ashamed that he would abuse me as his straw man against reporter Nick Winkler and Fox 25, especially when I made it very clear to Mr. Winkler that I did not want to be part of any hit piece after I reviewed some questions he graciously sent me, as these emails prove:

David wrote:
I'm curious if those questions are for everybody you'll talk to or do you plan to talk to present members of the PCG too for balance or not or what? Is it a hit piece or an honest and unbiased report?

Original Message
From: Nick Winkler
Sent: Oct 14, 2008 8:25 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: (no subject)

No. I plan on contacting Flurry and members who live nearby.
I understand they may even be having an open house for the public.
Those questions will be asked of Flurry as well.
Feel free to disagree with the nature of any of the questions.
Correct anything you think is not being asked fairly.
Some of the questions are derived from law enforcement who have
investigated the church in the past.
Feel free to ask me whatever you'd like..or to add to the questions I sent.


From: "David"
To: "Nick Winkler"
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: Constructive criticism
I'm pleasantly surprised by your refreshing reply, Nick. Thank you. The questions simply seemed biased and hateful IF those are the only questions that bitter former members would revel in but someone like me wouldn't want to be party to since we have constructive criticism (even TOUGH LOVE) of the PCG and still maintain the same basic beliefs as they do: Sabbath, holy days, dietary laws, no pagan holidays or traditional heaven and hell BS from Rome.

You might have noted in several articles I took Mr. Flurry to task, saying IF he truly believes we're in the last of the last days, why is he spending a fortune in Edmond (on jewels, buildings, etc.) instead of getting the Word out and becoming a household name? It is inconsistent and a squandering of time and money.

If Mr. Flurry or current Church members speak with you, I'll be surprised, since Mr. Armstrong told us all years ago how he ONCE permitted himself to be interviewed and after they "edited" it and went with it he felt totally betrayed and misrepresented. A great and deserving mistrust exists among the brethren due to such negative experiences. I'm willing to be interviewed, because what have I got to lose? :-)


Gerald Flurry, and son Stephen Flurry, wrote in his full page ad:

"Our Church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s.
But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views." And then he goes on to mention: "Ben-Ariel -- whose name used to be Hoover -- was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Aqsa mosque" and was later deported. Flurry failed to report that the Israeli authorities acknowledged to The Jerusalem Post that they "lacked sufficient evidence" to convict me - because there was no plot except the one they conspired against me, due to an article published in The Traveller magazine in Jerusalem, as revealed within: Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem and Still at Large!

Gerald Flurry and son failed to mention I was an official member of the Philadelphia Church of God in the early 1990s, and that I was put out of the PCG for daring to write a book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, without being an ordained minister. Dennis Leap was infuriated when I told him that by his insistence that I must be a minister to write such a book, he was still looking to "men of stature" (which Flurry's book, Malachi's Message, condemns) and that he was unbiblical and playing politics by his dictates that I must "forget about Beyond Babylon" and act "like a regular lay member." I was disfellowshipped and later "marked" after exposing all this in various *articles (which is what reporter Nick Day found on the Internet and is why he contacted me).

Wayne Turgeon [Gerald Flurry's son-in-law] handed Flurry a print out of Beyond Babylon years ago and he returned it to him saying, "He's always sending us stuff." Mr. Flurry even responded to me several times on various issues including his confusion of Mount Carmel with Mount Hermon which I brought to his attention (having been blessed to live next to both of them), and my disagreement with him when he said the pope was the only religious leader to sit on a throne and I mentioned the Queen of England is also head of the Anglican Church (although agreeing with the point he was making against the Roman Catholic Cult)... Later I sent an autographed copy of a self-published BB (Beyond Babylon) [before Publish America published it] to Flurry's home for him and his wife who said to me (during the Feast of Tabernacles in Louisville) about my name, "What a strong Judah name!"

- excerpt from Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress

When Caesar Plays God: When the State Oversteps its Bounds

*Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)

Gerald Flurry and son failed to mention that the PCG believes in the same "bizarre and even radical views" that I do, whether it's about a German-EU, under the heavy influence of the Roman Catholic Church, that will brutally betray the American, British and Jewish peoples, igniting WWIII, and that professing Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter are nothing but baptized paganism, idolatry and immorality, that are fuel on the fires of God's judgment upon our White Israelite nations, leading to destruction, defeat and deportation!

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

Gerald Flurry's attack against me failed to address the two issues I raised:
1) How I was put out of the PCG for writing Beyond Babylon, and 2) how he's wasting tithes on a $15 million Art Center on their Edmond, Oklahoma site instead of properly getting out the Word of God, as I decry in PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual".

Gerald Flurry has been given an opportunity to go public, taking out full page ads that I called upon him to do years ago, to share our beliefs, the plain truth of the Bible, to warn the world, now that FOX 25 has afforded him coverage. May God bless Gerald Flurry to repent and do just that.

David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall