The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
By David Ben-Ariel
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. Who are these two prophets? What do they have to say? Why are they called the two witnesses? How will their message be proclaimed? And is there any special significance to the fact that they're headquartered in Jerusalem? God's Church has often wondered about these things, but we ALL need to know the answers to these vital questions, especially since the two witnesses will soon make their debut upon the world stage!
Even as the United Europe is being raised up before our very eyes, just as Herbert W. Armstrong said it would, isn't it reasonable that God is raising up the two witnesses who will testify against it? And even as God's Church is approaching the end of their great commission (Herbert W. Armstrong took the gospel around the world, the Church must warn the world), isn't it only reasonable that the two witnesses should be beginning theirs? (John 3:30). Didn't Isaiah foresee this very event when he prophesied of the "night when no man can work," but assures us of two whom God would simultaneously raise up to impart their light? (Isaiah 60:1-2).
It appears that the full power and glory of Elijah's office isn't to be fulfilled until AFTER God's Church has been removed to "her place" and a double portion of God's Spirit is transferred to our successor - the two witnesses! (Revelation 12:14; 2 Kings 2:9).
God states that He shall station watchmen in Jerusalem. Why? For the purpose of comforting His captive Church and Israelite people. How will they be comforted? By the ASSURANCE that our God will come and save us and avenge us of our enemies (Isaiah 62:6-7; 40:1; 35:3-4)! The specific commission and anointing of the two witnesses is clearly recorded in Isaiah 61:1-2.
Remember your Roots
Malachi 4:5-6 further reveals that they are to PREPARE THE NATION of Israel for the Coming of our King, by a baptism of repentance that will prepare them to receive the Holy Spirit (which is to be poured out at Christ's return). That national preparation is only possible if Israel's heart is turned back to the heart of our fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), and then, in turn, our hearts must be turned back to the GOD of our fathers and His TRUE religion.
Presently there's a "generation gap" between the fathers and us because the true religion demands obedience to the Law of God. Abraham recognizes only the obedient as his legal heirs (Genesis 18:19; John 8:39; Galatians 3:29). And since we're a rebellious nation and people (Isaiah 30:9), Abraham refuses to acknowledge us (Isaiah 63:16; Hosea 5:7; 6:7).
If Israel dares to reject this necessary "family reunion" that would direct us to our Heavenly Father, God will be forced to destroy all rebellious life from off the face of the earth. Why? Because Israel is God's national firstborn and the law demands death to stubborn sons (Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Malachi 4:6)! God realizes that if Israel can't be saved, then no nation can. The continued existence of Israel is vital to the survival of ALL nations, because Israel is the national salt as the Church of God is the spiritual salt!
David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East and great interest in Jerusalem, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.